Monday, February 14, 2011

Rare fish pet peeves

People always ask for fish that I don't have, and when I get them in they want something else.

People always want rare fish, but when you bring in something rare, they don't even know what it is, because its "rare"

People see rare fish and go "ooh and ahh" and then wait, what the hell are they waiting for? Then when they're gone, they start asking if the fish are available.

People tell you I want this and I want that, save this and save that for me, for sure, I don't flake., then some lame excuse...oh I had to take my cat to the vet. At least have the guts to say I jumped the gun, not sure if I can follow through.

People always ask for pictures, have you heard of google?

Even worse, people would ask me if these fish are compatible, what they eat, what size tank they need. Do a little homework before you buy something, and take a little chance in life.

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