Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Suggestion for US government

Instead of spending billions in Afghanistan looking for a few guys, and letting American troops risk their lives, we should bring them back, save the money, create jobs, develop technology in this country on preventing terrors from attacking the US soil.

If the soldiers are kept in this country, trained to increase defense, their death toll would be brought down to near zero, more jobs created and money kept here. Maybe get rid of some of those defunct TSA workers, and unions.

This proposal would also decrease hatred towards Americans by Afghan civilians. Imagine growing up in Afghanistan, your family are all dead from US air raids, and you're wondering what in the world are the Americans doing? What if Germany did the same to us, looking for a few people responsible for terror acts on their country?

And Labor Unions: Do we really need them? Hospitals going on strike? That is unethical-the government should have policies against nurses going on strike. There should be mandates and it should be outlawed. When hospitals go on strike, they hire "scab" workers from other areas, which are not familiar with the equipments and facilities of each hospital. Imagine if your family, dad, mom, sister, brother, loved one was dying from a heart attack, and the "scab" worker with all good intentions, could not find the right equipments to save lives. This is BULLSHIT! These so called labor unions are just like the "big brother", "mafia", strong arm their way into a hospital and crippling this society. People suffer, and people could die from these practices, how come the fucking government doesn't do anything about it? Instead they focus on fucking street red light cameras, seat belt enforcements, expired tags. I have the answer-all to generate more revenue for the agencies that are associated.

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