Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Suggestion for US government

Instead of spending billions in Afghanistan looking for a few guys, and letting American troops risk their lives, we should bring them back, save the money, create jobs, develop technology in this country on preventing terrors from attacking the US soil.

If the soldiers are kept in this country, trained to increase defense, their death toll would be brought down to near zero, more jobs created and money kept here. Maybe get rid of some of those defunct TSA workers, and unions.

This proposal would also decrease hatred towards Americans by Afghan civilians. Imagine growing up in Afghanistan, your family are all dead from US air raids, and you're wondering what in the world are the Americans doing? What if Germany did the same to us, looking for a few people responsible for terror acts on their country?

And Labor Unions: Do we really need them? Hospitals going on strike? That is unethical-the government should have policies against nurses going on strike. There should be mandates and it should be outlawed. When hospitals go on strike, they hire "scab" workers from other areas, which are not familiar with the equipments and facilities of each hospital. Imagine if your family, dad, mom, sister, brother, loved one was dying from a heart attack, and the "scab" worker with all good intentions, could not find the right equipments to save lives. This is BULLSHIT! These so called labor unions are just like the "big brother", "mafia", strong arm their way into a hospital and crippling this society. People suffer, and people could die from these practices, how come the fucking government doesn't do anything about it? Instead they focus on fucking street red light cameras, seat belt enforcements, expired tags. I have the answer-all to generate more revenue for the agencies that are associated.

Here are a list of fish that can adapt to fresh, salt, and brackish water environments. I do not see how it is cruel to keep an Epinephelus lanceolatus, yes, the giant jew fish, grouper, that gets over 10 feet in the wild in a fresh or brackish water fish tank.

Oreochromis niloticus and most other oreochromis sp.

Lates japonicus, calcarifer

Salmonidae family all of the, trouts, chars, salmons

Parachromis-guapote from Central America

Atractosteus spatula-alligator gars

Acipenseridae-sturgeons of most species

Poeciliidae-guppies, mollies, swordtails, platys

many puffers, monodactylus, scatophagus, and many more.

There is nothing cruel about it, since we breed millions of chickens and kill them for food, we slaughter cows, and pigs., we cut dogs tails off, we shoot deers and bisons. Its no different than people who eat snakes, or dogs, or cats, just because we consider some as pets and it gave them a higher value.

More pictures to ponder on


Hypocrisy is rampant in this world, pointing out the obvious is my job.

I've been attacked over the years for keeping a Epinephelus lanceolatus in freshwater, stating that it is cruel. Opponents state that they knew that the fish wasn't happy, and was suffering due to the lack of salt in the water in my fish tank. How do they know that the fish was suffering? It was growing very fast, eating well, seemed happy, matter of fact, he would whisper in my ears telling me how happy he was! Who gives a fuck? Its a fucking fish, we keep breed feeder gold fish to feed larger fish. No matter how large our fish tank is, its no comparison to the lake, pond, river, creek, ocean that they come from.

I will post a few pictures of controversial topics for you to ponder on.

Here is a copy of the response from people on the Internet...really?

Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated View all I have dived with these majestic Fish and to see one like this makes me physically sick. These types of animals need to preserved so future generations can marvel at their beauty. I hate to think what this creature went through when being harpooned.
- Adam Neeves, Coventry, England, 01/9/2009 17:10

This is some filth. Killing this rare beauty just to get some sushi out of it... We humans are really just down right pathetic. Would surprise me if we lasted beyond 2060... ugh.
- Alexander, London, 27/3/2007 14:09

Well said John Solomon, Birmingham! Spot on!
- Angela, Glasgow, Scotland, 23/3/2007 13:40

Should we be surprised? This is a country (China) where tiger meat pizza and sandwiches are served at the zoo! If you're wealthy enough, you may even be able to pick up a freshly made bottle of tiger bone wine.

To - Lyndon Gee, London who wrote:
"Sometimes eating something and creating a market for that food actually protects the species in the long run. Many rare breeds of cattle have been preserved in this way."

There are billions of sheep, poultry and cattle; there are few whale sharks. We shouldn't mind eating food stock, but when a species is endangered, the thoughtless slaughter of any of its members is uncalled for.
- Suzanne Kitchen, Littleton, Colorado USA, 22/3/2007 22:36

"Get real - cows and lambs are placid, gentle creatures, yet we eat them." Speak for yourself - there are MILLIONS of vegetarians in this country who refuse to eat animals... This picture is absolutely disgusting - it shows the savagery of people who will eat living creatures. What a disgusting sight, and what an indictment of the Chinese

So the people in the picture are cutting this fish up for food I presume. In the Western hemisphere, people go hunting in other countries, killing lions, tigers, elephants for trophies, our late president Theodore Roosevelt killing elephants, our President Bush enjoys his days off fishing, that involves luring a fish, impaling a hook through its mouth, then releasing it.

People eat animals, even though I often promote the far superior vegetarian diet. People dock the tails of their dogs, crop the ears. Neuter and castrate their animals. How would you feel if I cut the tail off an elephant? How about a tiger? Would you castrate your son because his need to be horny and is unruly in school? Would you give your wife, girlfriend, daughter female circumcision, stitch her labia together so she can't whore around? Where do people get the idea that they need to judge?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our judicial system = crap

Scott Peterson , the man that killed his pregnant wife and dumped her in the bay with concrete to hear ankles. He has been convicted and will be sentenced to death, but when? Probably in another 30 years? It takes aproximately $100 thousand US dollars to keep a life sentence inmate alive in prison yearly, just do the math. Why don't we execute him already? Sure by taking one's life does not bring back the dead, but keeping them alive puts a burden on our society. Keeping him alive, he will no longer be of any benefit in this world. He may however appeal again and again, some will parole in 10 years, maybe have conjugal visits, fuck some girl and get her pregnant like Charles Manson did. While people outside the prison, hard working, tax paying citizens can barely afford basic health care, cannot get pregnant, spend $20,000 on an adoption, then get stuck with a $50,000 bill trying to get fertilized!

Heard this from Adam Carolla: When we sentence someone to die, they have years of waiting and appeals before actual execution. Do you realize that when we acquit someone, they're released almost instantly, probably within the day, isn't that ironic?

My take on one's wellness.

The opinions here are merely my humble life experiences, my take on life, path to happiness and physical wellness.

Food: Fresh is always better than processed. It is better if you can recognize the original form when you buy it. For example: fresh broccoli is better than cream of broccoli.

There is this saying, for meat eaters like myself. What swims is better than what flies, and what flies is better than what walks on all fours-translated from Chinese idiom. Seafood is better than poultry, and poultry is generally healthier than other meats like pork, beef or lamb.

It is far healthier to be a vegetarian and more economical as well.
Prices per pound
banana $0.20-0.99
broccoli $0.49-0.99
rice $0.50/lb
potato $0.20-0.99/lb
tomatoes $0.30-0.99/lb
sweet potato $0.99/lb
fruits oranges, apples, $0.29-0.99
bread $1.99-4.99/loaf
eggs $1.99-4.99/dozen

beef $3.99-10.99/lb
chicken $1.99-4.99/lb
fish $3.99-25.00/lb
pork $3.99-6.99/lb

It takes 15 pounds of grain to make one pound of beef, and not counting the water used, waste it produces. If we produced less, beef, chicken, and fish, used the energy, money and food it takes and distribute it around the world, would it solve world hunger? Would people have less obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease,cancer? Would that help alleviate the strain on the global health care issue?

Are people seeing the trend that companies are spending more money advertising the health benefits of fruits and juices. Never do you see an advertisement on the health benefits from eating any kind of red meat or poultry? That means even capitalists know the distinction on what is good for you and what can sell. Would you believe it if Omaha steaks came out with an ad saying that the butter soaked stakes with the burnt fat grill marks could help reduce heart disease, hypertension?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I can't stand people that are ignorant and want to stay that way. The rain is pouring outside right now, I'm in bed with my coffee, and TV., what else can I ask for?

This is my first blog. I need some coffee first. Here is a fish picture to enjoy in the meantime

I'll post more fish pictures in this blog and update frequently. Some of the photos are in low resolution, since they were taken with 1.0 mega pix. cameras back in late 1900s!